Behind The Taboo of Vaginismus

Behind The Taboo is a series created by illustrator Hazel Mead in collaboration with the Vaginismus Network, to break barriers about sexual health and wellbeing. In this series Mead normalises conversations about sexuality, bodily functions and pleasure for diverse audiences. This helps young people and even older audiences recognise the societal stigma around such topics and allows them to challenge pre-conceptions we may harbour. Mead also serves to empower her audience to accept their bodies and encourages an inspiring view of body-positivity. Visual communication is a powerful vehicle for understanding complex topics including medicine, health and sexuality, it is wonderful to see these topics combined to empower female identifying people to speak about their bodies and pleasures.

Here at ‘Debunking The Myths’ we are so lucky to be surrounded by healthcare professionals who are intent on empowering people to understand their bodies and overcome the taboo and shame surrounding sexual health. By backing the expansion of anatomical education and promoting self-knowledge we can encourage others in the pursuit of sexual health and pleasure. 

*Misinformation is false information sometimes spread without the intent to deceive. Disinformation is false information put out deliberately to deceive or mislead people.