Active Consent Ireland – Image Based Sexual Abuse

Active Consent Ireland: Image Based Sexual Abuse formerly known as revenge porn, is a form of non-consensual sharing or distribution of intimate or sexual images without the subject’s consent. This is crime in Ireland regardless of the age. It is also a crime to threaten to share intimate images of another person online.

Active consent provides a list of supports, contacts and resources for people of all ages on what to do if you experience or witness image based sexual abuse, stalking, or sexual violence.  

These resources are for: 

  • Minors (under 17) 
  • Young people over 17
  • College students 
  • Teachers / Educators 
  • Mandated people 
  • Parents 
  • Friends 

Active Consent are a consent education programme who operate in conjunction with the National University of Ireland, Galway with support from The Government of Ireland. They focus on providing young people, educators and parents with resources about how to talk openly about consent in sexual and intimate situations.  

At Debunking The Myths we know that including consent in sexual health education for young people is crucial because it promotes a comprehensive understanding of healthy relationships. It helps debunk harmful myths, misconceptions, and taboos surrounding consent, fostering a positive and informed attitude towards our own sexual well-being. It also encourages open communication, exploration of desires, and the development of healthy sexual relationships, ultimately promoting a holistic and empowered approach to sexuality.