WomensAid Ireland offer help and services if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence. They provide counselling and will go through your options.
Among the services provided are:
- Resources on recognising the warning signs of abuse and domestic violence
- Availing of legal options: legal representation, legal protection, and divorce proceedings
- Safety planning and reporting options
- Assisting in the reporting assaults
- Immigration guidelines and refuge
- Pointing you towards agencies that can support you
- One-to-one support services
- Court accompaniment services
The website is multi-lingual and Irish Sign Language (ISL) friendly. It also provides a guide on deleting your cookies and cache, and avoiding being caught by the abuser. You can call the National Freephone Helpline at 1800 341 900, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Support is there whenever you need.
Approximately one in five women in Ireland have reported experiencing physical abuse by a current or former partner. While both men and women can be victims of domestic violence, research has consistently shown that women are disproportionately affected. Women’s Aid Ireland is a national organisation that listens, believes and supports women who are or have experienced abuse by a partner.
Debunking the Myths works with a team of experts from the sexual assault treatment unit (SATU). Based in the Rotunda hospital, the SATU team provides support and care for survivors of sexual assault. The services are free and confidential. SATU clinics are found nationwide – the list can be accessed here.